Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
What a mess
More Wishard house progress
Here is the view from upstairs, looking down to where the woodstove and dining room will be. (The woodstove is actually in!)
spent most of a day filling in those big cracks above the windows that you see. Most of the windows had large cracks over them. He did a good job getting everything filled in. All the gaps will be sealed with chink when the weather warms up a tad bit.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Buck Fever

and came home a rugged mountain man.
Anyway, he and four of his relatives headed out in hopes of that thirdy point buck, I mean bull. After breaking down and waiting for a replacement pickup they finally made it. I think they were secretly hoping to get snowed in up there because they packed food for an army and enough horses to trade with the locals.
After hunting a few days with no luck, Aaron and Zach got on fresh tracks of an elk.

The rest of the trip was smooth sailing after that.

Looks like we'll be eating elk all winter. I didn't realize I married such an elkoholic!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Snakes in Winter???
Anyway, Zach has been in Colorado elk hunting and he took all the horses but Charlie. So I've been going out to our "country house" and feeding Charlie. On Saturday, after I broke three inches of ice on the tank, I headed to the shed to get some grain. Just as I crawled through the fence to open the shed door, I looked down and saw a snake right in my path! Ackkkkk!!!!!! I screamed and ran into the panels two times before I could get away. I only allowed myself a split second to get a glimpse of the snake who seemed to be just as scared and stunned to see me. He was so cold that when he tried to coil up he looked more like a used rope left out in the rain. I raced back away from the shed and tried to figure out what I was going to do next.
Thoughts rushed through my head. It's 17 degrees out...why wasn't he in a hole somewhere? How was I going to get the grain? How many of his scarey buddies were lurking nearby? Had he been in the shed already (I had been in and out of there several times in the last few days)? What if he headed for the house and decided to curl up in there for the winter?
Of course, I couldn't call for Zach because he was gone. Matt and Lindsey were out of town as well. I had to handle this on my own. So I put on my big girl panties and did what any other real man (or woman) would have done. I drove to Tractor Supply Company and bought a brand new bag of grain. By the time I got back, the bag had ripped and spilled all over in my trunk and then my next fear was that mice might start inhabitating my car. Ya...laugh all you want! But at least Charlie got fed.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
More Wishard House
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The House - An Introduction
It is going to be wonderful when it is done! So we will go back in time a little bit here to see some of the work in progress. To date, it has most of the roof on and the doors and windows mostly in. We will show some more recent photos in a couple of weeks.
So last fall, the footings were poured
Fast forward to the crawlspace being poured. Then the floor joists, floor, and a round of logs.
Here is Ris last fall. She was prego then. I think that she was going to try to not go into labor until the house was done. Good thing she just went ahead and had the baby.
Here is a picture of some of the crew. By the way, family, friends, or absolute strangers are welcome to show up on any given weekend to hang out, i.e, work on the house!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
When I grow up...

a cowboy like his daddy!
Probably not a rhinestone cowboy though.

Maybe a famous piano player like Mozart!
Or a model for some big designer clothes company. Maybe he could help his auntie shop for fashionable clothes.

Or how about a taste tester? Hmmm...mashed lima beans.

I hear dog whisperer's make big money!

Or a real estate agent. Ring ring!

Hello - why yes! I have a property that would be just perfect for you.

Let's face it...he's already got the cell phone thing down and who wouldn't want to buy a house from such a cutie?

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sand Creek - Girls' Campout
One of the highlights of the summer was going on the annual All-Girls' camp weekend. The group consists of aunts, cousins, and friends. We always have a blast! These gals are awesome!! It truly is a highlight of our summer.
We go to Sand Creek by Beulah, WY. The scenery is gorgeous. Our Aunt Barb and her friend Vicki plan the weekend and tell us what we are eating and what to bring. The weekend consists of eating, tubing down the creek, geocaching, sitting around the campfire, laughing, and having a contest of some sort.
Here is a picture of Vicki cooking up some vittles.
Here is a picture of the pink flamingo that is the camp mascot of sorts. It used to have a partner, but evidently it was stolen out of camp one time.
As mentioned, each year there is a contest. The contest this year was most creative apron. Here is a picture of one of the winners. Vicki's apron was cool and practical with potholders and towels velcro'ed to it. Larissa is in the background. She also won a prize for her apron.
Here is Kendra in front of her camper.
Annie and I are enjoying nature.
This picture is all of us having a meeting at mid-day.
Anne and Larissa were geo-cache virgins. This was their first one. Here they confer on coordinates.