A few years ago I had a problem. I fondly refer to that stage in my life as the "Chair Era." It started innocently enough. As a newlywed, I needed a couple of chairs in which my husband and I could sit upon as we ate the homecooked meals that I so lovingly prepared for him. So I acquired two antique, somewhat shabby dining room chairs to fulfill that need in our lives. Then I had the opportunity to purchaes a couple more chairs that were quite similar to the others. My rationale was that we may someday have guests and they too would like to be able to sit and enjoy my cooking. It seems that that particular style must have been common as I found and purchased many more of the like. I also thought it would be fun to paint them all different colors. I now realize that was probably violated some interior design law. Not the first time, not the last.
Shortly thereafer, a dear friend purchased a new dining set and generously gave me her six matching antique chairs. Then it seemed to consume me. I would find miscellaneous dining room chairs at auctions or garage sales or people would just give them to me because they knew my love for chairs.
At one point, I took a rough count of dining room chairs, which at this point had been scattered throughout the house. There were 17. I had a full-blown problem. Matt started to question the need for so many chairs when there were only two occupants in the house, and we rarely had guests. Like a junkie, I started to hide them from him. I hid them under piles of clothes; I stacked them on top of each other in less-used closets; I even started stashing them in the crawlspace under our house.
The addiction soon spilled over to chairs of the upholstered nature. I would buy any simply upholstered chair that I thought I could ruin with my rudimentary upholstery skills. This is one of the acquisitions during the "Chair Era."
An interesting note about this chair (I don't have pictures of the actual redo process) was what I found when I ripped away the old material. No it was not a mouse nest of Guinness book proportion. It was a note inside the springs of the seat.
In scrolling cursive writing on yellowed paper, the previous owner had written the date and a few other details explaining that they had reupholstered the chair back in 1978. I wish I had taken a picture of the note, or at least remembered exactly what it said.
That is a HILARIOUS story!!! I am glad you got your addiction under control! I bet that was cool finding a note in there!!!
Lindsey, you are such a goof ball. This is a cool chair tho, and I think you do good work! Poor ole Matt...house full of chairs.
I just came upon your blog today as I read a comment you made on mine! Your story here is HILARIOUS!!! I will visit your site often now to keep up with what goes on in your life! FUN!!!
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