We are being hit with the third blizzard in as many weeks. The drifts are as high as the deck railing and almost over my car. I am in my nice warm house with plenty of projects (like reupholstering the camper cushions) and a bottle of wine, so I can't complain. I do worry about those that are tending stock right now. Western South Dakota ranchers are in the middle of calving season, and the blizzards don't help. Lots of calves have perished in this weather so far.
Matt, our brother-in-law Joe, and our friend John took off this morning to go ride through the cows and try to save some calves. They took fresh horses, a team of horses and hay sled, and hopefully enough warm clothes to get through the next 24 hours or so.
Here is what the hay sled-thingy looks like. This picture was taken over a month ago. The Three Amigos (Matt, Joe, and Zach) were taking the team for a spin.
The guys plan to camp out in an abandoned line shack down in the pasture. They have a kerosene heater that should keep them pretty warm. So they can ride and check cows and bring calves back to the shack to warm up.

This is what the shack looks like in warmer weather. That is Joe and our sister, Larissa. Don't let the shack's extravagant appearance fool you, it is pretty humble :)
Thanks to the modern technology and limited cell service, the guys have been able to phone the main house and request that a deck of cards and a bottle of Forty Creek be delivered. Unfortunately, that request went unanswered as there is no travel advised. Going to have to just tough it out guys!

Holy Hanna...have you guys had your share of weather or what!! Bleh! It's cold today, but no snow. I hope those 3 Amigos can handle it! LOL....
Those guys are such "homesteaders"
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