Before Zach and I got married, I had a little house in town. It was decorated super cute and had a huge kitchen. It was girly and clean and I loved it! I had ALOT of stuff packed in there but it all had a place and fit perfectly.

Zach, on the other hand, lived in a 1980's single-wide trailer north of town. He and two other guys had been living there for the last four years so you can guess how clean and girly it was. It has about the same square footage as my house but less closet space and an extremely tiny kitchen.
When we got married, we thought we better move in together (as married couples do). Since we have horses it seemed practical to live at the trailer (the roommates have moved out) and keep my house as a rental.
The renter that I was hoping to get, told me on Tuesday that she wanted to move in on Saturday. Yay! But yikes as I had been putting off fully moving to the country until we actually had a renter. With the help of Matt and Lindsey, we did a whirlwind move job. Furniture and boxes got thrown haphazardously into the trailer...wherever it would fit.

Wowza Lariann, i will come up with a trash bag or bags!
Hey Lariann, the sorority here in town have a garage sale every year. I bet they could get rid of that stuff for you. If not you Aunt Janet can throw anything away. Aunt barb
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