Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Larissa's Pictures
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Chair Mania

Most of my projects end up sitting dormant for several months but I was on a time crunch with this one. I was trying to finish it to give to our sister before she had her baby. Needless to say, Beefcake was born and another rocker was given to her before I finished. So I kept it and it sits in my already jam packed living room.

When my fiance and I first started dating, he thought it was cute. In fact, he even fed my obsession by giving me a 1950s retro piece for Christmas.

Now my habit has quickly become one that he dreads. He cringes at the thought of me and all my chairs moving in with him after we're married. On a recent garage sale excursion, I ran into two dining room type chairs that I just had to have.
For $2.50 each who cares if you don't have any room for them. He was the least bit thrilled and started protesting but I didn't hear him. I was too infatuiated. I quickly snatched them up before a little old lady had the chance to even eye them.

If you have an idea for these chairs, please let us know! I will be redoing them in the next month.
I will try to get a handle on my habit. The first step is to admit you have a problem, which I have already done. So I'm on the road to recovery. Just beware when you all start getting chairs for your birthday, wedding, Christmas, graduation, baby shower, bar mitzvah...
Saturday, June 6, 2009
After Branding Campout
Joe just happens to plan things so that the second bunch is done down in the prettiest spot on the place. When the last calf is worked, and the team is unharnessed, we can just walk over and start relaxing.
The horses are unsaddled and are happily eating green grass.
The Prairie Oysters are cleaned (they aren't Rocky Mountain Oysters when you are this far from the mountains...) The fire is stoked and the lard is ready.
Ris starts getting food ready as Gypsy waits for her to drop something.
Jayda shows Ris how to properly cook a brat.
Yum! Note the lineshack in the background. The mice were camping in that, so we all decided to camp outside.
Everyone was ready to eat, drink and be merry. (And tell windy stories) Note Barbara, the Camper in the background. She made her maiden voyage plus a trip to Nebraska last week. More on that. Plus the reveal, which we keep putting off. Not intentionally, of course.
As dusk fell, the stories got windier: horses became legendary, dogs performed supernatural feats of rescue, and Ole and Lena became the butt of jokes.
Big John sits here soaking in the stories as Margo trys to determine whether they are factual or not.
Zach was the chief nut-fryer. Matt tries out the biscuits Joe made in the dutch oven. Survey says: They were next to heaven!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
We start today out with scenes from the Mostly Wishard But A Teeny Bit Mangis branding.
We spent most of last week getting ready for the big event on Saturday. All went well, we had lots of good help and some good entertainment.
The team was harnessed and drove to the first bunch hauling supplies, then to the second bunch. Matt, Marty, and Jayda are the teamsters. Jayda was there to help control runaways.
Zach dragging one out.
Marty and Joe discussing who is a better daytime host Oprah or Rachel Ray.
Matt is thinking to himself "Man, I could really go for an iced mocha caramel latte, right now!"
Jayda is diligently making sure that the cows don't come back down the hill. Old Gray looks like he might buck huh?
Zach and Bud - just another day in the office.
The Boss...
The real boss cutting calves. Big John taking lessons.
A mystery spotted calf?