Currently, due to the power outage in most of the north country, Ris, Joe, Randen, and Matt have been camping in the house since it has a woodstove. No water or power in the house, but they hooked the generator up so they can keep working on the house during this storm. As of yesterday, Randen sold out and went to stay with Grandma. Can't blame him!
Here, Ris helps Randen navigate up the stairs. Going around air hoses and power cords.

This is a view of the upstairs. The ceiling is sheetrocked and Annie and Ris started taping it.

This is the main floor. The guys were going to sheetrock the ceiling tonight (Sunday) since there is no TV to watch.

Randen helps Uncle Matt.

While Zach was in the crawlspace for most of the last several weekends working on the HVAC system, Matt and Joe were up in the buckets of the tractors. They have been working on the soffits and all that jazz. This picture of Joe was taken out of the upstairs window.