Sunday, February 28, 2010
Winter fun
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
A day in the life of...
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Power Down – Fun Factor Up?
When she refers to the Cabin she means the new, under-construction house. When she refers to the Shack, she means the old house that they have been living in.
Dear Diary:
January 20th –Power down. Went down to cabin (Rissa’s thoughts: How fun, I get to stay in the cabin)
January 21st -The power briefly came on today, but then went dead again until February 6th. (Rissa’s thoughts: I am going to get so much done to this cabin with the boys staying here!)
January 22nd - Matt brought a generator out. Cooking on the wood stove, it took 30 minutes to fry one egg (Rissa’s thought: I am hungry right NOW! But this is still pretty fun, except for getting stuck and the frigid temperatures)
January 23rd - We got a 2nd generator, boys got the toilet in so we melted snow to flush. Obviously, no wells would work w/o power so we moved cows to a spring that a kind neighbor let us use! Other bunches also drank out of springs. (Rissa’s thoughts: It’s pretty awesome going to the bathroom and not getting frostbit!)
January 24th - Been stuck with all pickups at least 6 times already. Tried to hook up a PTO generator to the old shack, didn’t work as it was -30 wind-chill. Looked in the old house and the toilet had frozen and broke. Joe was at the very top of the tractor bucket, in the dark, trying to fix the electric wires at the top of the pole, with me shining a crappy flashlight at him. (Rissa’s thoughts~ I am cold, but you know what? This WILL get better!) Tried to pry hand off of flashlight.
January 25th - Randen went to his Grammy’s house. Exchanged him for a propane camp stove. We are at the cabin eating well!!! Huddling in front of the wood stove with the doors wide open watching a DVD that is plugged into the generator! We are real pioneers! We all are feeling SEVERAL drafts that need to be plugged in the cabin! That night huddled next to Joe in sweatpants, long johns, stocking cap and 6 quilts and wondering if it is possible to know that I am freezing in my sleep. (Rissa’s thoughts~ I HATE WINTER, really when will this blizzard end??)
January 26th -Some other neighbors called and said we could come take showers (propane water heater!!) BEST NEWS ALL MONTH! That night their electricity was restored so we “moved” in with them. (Rissa’s thoughts~ I am okay now, I got the grease out of my hair I feel revived, refreshed and full of awesome food)
January 26th- the end of January - Wondering how long we should invade the neighbor’s house. Should we move to the next neighbor’s house??? Do I scrub her floors? Do I buy food? What are the rules on squatting?
Somewhere around January 29th - Had a minor breakdown that involved feeling of doom that the temp will NEVER get over zero again, hysterical crying, a wish that I lived in the desert, I hate ranching etc. you get the picture) One hour and a headache later I am okay we will be fine, don’t be a baby.
February 6th - We finally got power and the fuel oil furnace unthawed to the old shack and the only thing busted was the toilet!! Felt we were pretty lucky! Moved BACK into the shack, although when the power first went out I said I never would move back in… oh well.
February 5th and 6th- Tried to unthaw waters and replaced pressure switches etc… no luck (Rissa’s thoughts: Man, ranching sucks)
February 7th- Cows finally got water. The temperature got to, like, 10. (Rissa’s thoughts: Awesome, ranching isn’t so bad!! I love it, it is totally a lifestyle!!)
February 13th- Another blizzard, moved cows home from Bills (5 or so miles) Rissa got stuck 3 times in a matter of an hour and wasn’t even helping with the “drive”… very cold (Rissa’s thoughts: You know when I said that ranching wasn’t so bad? Never mind. I must have been out of my mind)
List of expenses and things that had to be replaced during the storm
15 flat tires…. Yes 15
4 brand new tires
7 broken u-joints
2 ruined pumps for the feed trailer
3 dead batteries
One new headlight and casing for the pickup
$4500 bull at the bottom of a dam
$4,000 in fuel oil and Ag diesel
1 new generator
1 new toilet
4 new brake lines
3 new pressure switches
2 sets of pickup chains
1 scoop shovel handle
1 axe at the bottom of a different dam
Dead Animals:
1 horse
2 cows
8 calves
1 bull
And a frozen partridge in a pear tree
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Blast from the Past
Some of you ladies may remember reading the series of Sweet Valley High books by Francine Pascal. The books were about twins Jessica and Elizabeth who resided in sunny California. The books chronicled their high-school endeavors and experiences including fights with their friends, clothes, and boyfriend drama. We read a good portion of this huge series of books, so we were elated when we got the game.
We used to play the game a lot back in the days of pink, stone-washed Rockies and banana clips. It also became an Easter tradition among the girl cousins. We played hours of this game during the celebration of our Lord's Resurection.
Ris and Annie dug the old girl out the other night at mom's to relive the good times.
The game board is a replica of a high school with classroms. The characters in the book, Jessica and Elizabeth, along with their friends Enid and Lila, must find all the necessary objects for their upcoming big date.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Birthday Girl
How old are you today?
If you could have anybody, either past or present, sing you happy birthday, who would it be?
When you blow out the candles this year, what will be your wish? (It will still come true if you tell us)
Name the single most notable positive thing that happened to you this past year.
Which birthday gift would you pick out of the following list:
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Randen's horses
Randen has several horses in his string. He has a paint bouncy horse that is crippled right now (the springs are off).
He has a buckskin named Cisco that he has broke pretty good.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Random work on the house
Annie and Ris hanging sheetrock in the bathroom.
A view of the future kitchen. Right now it looks like a war zone. The couch is there because of the campout during the power outage. Note the cookstove on top of the tablesaw.
Here is an after-shot of the kitchen ceiling with sheetrock and one layer of wet mud on it.
Here are the guys hanging the sheetrock.
I am mudding the ceiling. I did not get a single drop of mud on me during this process. (wink)
Here is a joint effort of hanging rock in Randen's bedroom.
Annie and Ris put yet ANOTHER coat of poly on the walls. Annie is feeling the effects of the poly here!
I am cutting and hanging sheetrock for the short walls upstairs.
Ris is taping the ceiling in the master bedroom.
Annie was all geared up to tile the bathroom floor this weekend. Luckily, she laid out the tile before she put a coat of thin-set down because we were severely short on tile! Before that was determined, she had to put the subfloor down in the bathroom. Unfortunately, that was on the bottom of the trailer. Her and Ris unloaded a TON of sheetrock to get to the OSB.
There are some perks to being pregnant. I only had to open the door for them. Good job girls!
Annie did her fair share of mudding also.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Finally Home Again
It is Monday night and we just got home from Wishards. There is so much more snow up north. We got up there on Sat. morning and got busy.
Annie and Ris loaded feed in the tractor and fed some calves.It was overcast out, but we had big plans for the day.
While the girls were doing that, the guys quickly fixed a U joint in this pickup. I watched.
Then we headed down to the new house to spend the rest of the day working on it. Here Ris and Annie break the trail down to the new house.
The fog was heavy and tons of snow made it hard to see the trail sometimes.
There is sooo much snow in that country.
So we worked on the house all day Saturday and Sunday. We had heard there would be a blizzard on Sunday night, so we intended to leave earlier so we could drive while it was still light. We were all so busy that we forgot about that plan and left after dark.
When we finally got onto the highway, the roads were slick in spots, the wind was horrible.
And the visibility was pretty poor. Okay, the visibility was about 10 feet.
By the time we turned south of Faith, I had to stick my head out the passenger side window to find an approach that we could use to turn around on as we had the horsetrailer too. We slid past two approaches and got pulled into the third.
We decided to go back to Wishard's that night. Randen was happy to see us again!
Today we called work and told them that we weren't going to make it. There was a couple more inches of snow. The wind was howling, the pickup wouldn't start, and the wind chill was -30 degrees. So we ate pancakes and spaghetti, watched movies, and played with Big R. Annie and Randen did a little cleaning.
We finally got the pickup started and we made our second attempt to leave. We made it about 10 yards down the driveway and got majorly stuck in a big drift.
Here, Annie is digging out.
After we got out of that drift, we hit the main road. It is a couple miles to the highway and we busted huge drifts the entire way. We hit one particular drift with the full onion; it was about bumper-high. We got through it, but it messed things up.
We got to the highway and pulled over. The serpentine belt had come off. Matt got it put back on, but the batteries in the pickup are old and it wouldn't restart. A guy in Lantry tried to jump-start the pickup, but it wouldn't turn over. Joe showed up and he was able to get it jump-started. We were on our way again. The rest of the trip was nice and uneventful.
We can't wait for summer!