A couple of weekends ago, Zach and I went to visit the Wishards and install the central A/C (okay...Zach installed the A/C, I was just in the way). Anyway, it was a fun weekend staying in the new house!!! Yes! They have moved into the house! We had a riot playing in Randen's new sandbox, driving around the pasture, hitting golf balls, and making homemade ice cream.
On Sunday, Riss and I were sorting through boxes with the help of a 1 1/2 year old. Joe had just stepped onto the porch when he screamed at us to get outside. We ran outside to find a HUGE rattlesnake slithering straight to the house. It was instantly mad and buzzing like crazy.

Joe gave it a whack with a 12 foot 2x4. It coiled, buzzed and looked more than willing to strike. By this time it was right next to the house and Zach was closer than I thought was necessary. I continued to yell at him to get farther back. You see, Zach grew up in the Sandhills of Nebraska where there is no such thing as rattlesnakes. He is amazed by them and doesn't realize that they can strike at a distance of three times their body length (I yelled that at him too). He then smacked it several times with a spade. The whole time Riss and I stood on the porch with Randen and told him how bad snakes were and that he had to stay away from them. I think we got our point across...he was shaking and yelling at the snake by the time it was finally dead.

We also had to tell Randen that Uncle was bad for picking the snake up.

Notice that no one else would get close enough to it to be in the picture.
At least you taught Rayden a normal way of killing a rattler... my niece learned they are bad and you shoot them 20 times till you're sure it's dead! It was hilarious to watch my bro and his wife trying to hit the thing.
That's hilarious Moneik! That is also how my mother used to kill them, one time she was shooting one while standing in the yard on a highchair... it was amusing for us girls too!
I hate snakes. I hope Zach will begin to get my attitude as well.Aunt barb
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