Annie was showered with gifts and parties before the nuptials. Here is a recap.
This picture is a little grainy, but it shows Annie at her shower thrown by her coworkers. It was a REALLY nice shower!
Gorgeous cake!
Wonderful gifts!
The we had a little get-together at Annie's house. This was earlier in the night. We drank pomegranate margarita's and ate food by the firepit until the wee hours.
Kayce is sampling the food below. She brought the most amazing hot wing chip dip. YUM!
Then we had our traditional Klima shower at Aunt Rodie's house. She is a fantastic hostess! Check out her place-settings. P.S. each napkin ring was an actual diamond ring from Rodie's collection. Of course they were real dahling. Puuuhhleaaaze!
Here is Annie opening the gifts from all of us.
Aunt Rodie always made us four girls a Barbie cake for each of our birthdays. For this occasion, Barbie became a bride!
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