The downhill descent was so fun! Very fast paced with white knuckle jumps.
Shortly before this picture, the terrain was dirt with rocks over the trail. To this point I had been trucking along like an old pro. But then all of a sudden I got between a rock and a crack in the ground and then my tire fell into the crack. I was going down. And in slow motion. I had time to look back at Zach, look to the guide, and then back to Zach. I probably could have took a drink of my water. I'm sure it was pretty comical to watch. I landed on my side and elbow right in a cactus patch! I was giggling pretty hard mostly at how ridiculous it must have looked. Zach and the guide ran to where I was and tried to evaluate the situation. I had hundreds of cactus thorns in my arm and the top of my rump. Zach finally got them all picked out and we headed back down the trail. At the very end Zach about tea kettled his bike when he hit a thick patch of sand. He managed to keep it up right and out of any cacti.
PS-we saw more lizards. I think it's the Utah state animal.
It sounds like you two are having the time of your life. You will not want to come back to reality. lol
Annie, I can only imagine Zach pulling cacti from your rearend...ouch! He's a good man!
That is hilarious!! I love the part about taking a drink of water!! Very "Matrix"! Ha!
That is something I think would be great fun.... if the guide was pulling me in a wagon.
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