Monday, May 24, 2010

Sugar & Spice-that's what little girls are made of!

Spring is flying by and Lindsey's due date draws closer and closer. She's been feeling good and getting excited!

She's a pretty dang cute prego!
Larissa and I got to paint Pippy's bedroom and Lindsey has been busy getting things ready for it! We will do a full reveal once it is done.

Branding Pen Fun!

We have not forgotten about the blog, we promise! Our weekends have been jam packed with with redoing the roof on Zach & Annie's house in town, working on Larissa's house, a cousin's graduation and brandings.
This past Sunday we went to our folk's to brand calves. Here are some scenes from the branding pen.

Randen & Uncle Matt
Randen is getting to be quite the cowboy and likes to yell "Haw!"

Larissa and Travis holding calves.

Annie dragging a calf to the fire.

The calf wrestlers.

Stay tuned for upcoming posts on the Marathon Relay Race, Hoosier Redos, more brandings, and South Dakota weather.