Saturday, September 19, 2009

Things Worth Celebrating

It is always fun to get something new. New clothes, new jewelery, new boots, new shoes. These things make a smile everytime we use them.

But every once in a while we get something new that makes us jump up and down and squeel with joy. Especially if the new item replaces something in our lives that we hate. Recently, Ris finally got to replace her old fridge. Big deal you might say. Well, this fridge provoked more profanity from Ris over the last year than anything else. Here it is in all it's alvocado splendor.

It is probably the same age as she is. Part of the refridgerator compartment freezes food, and there is an area that keeps food just over lukewarm. The freezer won't stay defrosted and the fridge door wouldn't stay closed. Another strike against it, was that it was TINY.

When the new fridge was finally delivered, she jumped for joy. She was a little disappointed when the delivery drivers (who had driven from Rapid City to Lantry) didn't share in her glee.
TA DAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The new model is huge, the door stays closed, the food stays the appropriate temperature, and the freezer is a big drawer that slides out.

The delivery guys did say that it is crazy what makes women happy. Upon delivering a new washer and dryer to one woman, she hugged them. Hey, some things are just worth celebrating!


Moneik said...

Some things are just worth celebrating!

Annabelle said...

True dat!