Sunday, June 27, 2010

Big Help

Randen is only 20 months, but he is already good help.

This past weekend, him and his momma gathered heifers and pushed them up the chute on Scoop. When things got a little boring his just fell asleep on old Scoop. Then he slept on the 4 wheeler while he and Grandpa finished putting heifers back out.
He helps Auntie watch the gate.
He loves helping his other Auntie drive the panel trailer while gathering bulls. Evidently, he thinks we should be in 4 wheel drive.
He helps Grandpa lead Scoop to the trailer. It is so cute, he clicks to the horse and says "mon" for "come on." Scoop just follows dad and has no idea what shorty is doing.
Randen is also very good at driving. He drives the tractor or pickup or whatever. Here, he gives Auntie a lesson on driving the car .
He shows Auntie how to honk the horn and put the wipers on.
He also helps Grandpa put his boots on when he deems naptime has been long enough.

1 comment:

bcoy said...

is he baby sitting?